Wednesday, March 3, 2010

malaysia: cooler highlands

After our time with Jill, we met up with Scott's parents for two weeks. It didn't take us long to get weary of the heat so we decided to rent a van and head up to the Cameron Highlands. It's a beautiful area famous for tea, ("self-plucking")strawberries and other agricultural products.

Here we are at a tea plantation--just a maze of tea bushes for acres and acres!

Some spots were pretty steep and we didn't want to lose the kids so Scott's dad found a good way to transport Eli.

And Dana (copying her brother) found a good seat on Scott.

While Eli stayed with Boppa and Nana, Dana, Scott and I hiked down and explored the tea plantation. We stopped for a rest and some water at this little gazebo.
Another time, Scott's parents watched the kids for a morning so Scott and I could go on a hike. It was steep but so nice to get out sans kids for some exercise and conversation.

Here I am dragging my belly up the winding trail...

We made it to this lookout tower after about 3 hours of hiking. It was much faster going down, but one had to be careful not to go too fast (i.e. fall)!

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