When travelling with kids, you almost have no choice but to go to all those places you wouldn't think of going as a single, or as a couple. But we had fun at these animal parks, and admission was cheap. Through your kids you somehow, in some ways, get to be a kid again.
Finally a sign that says what they really mean!
A bird in Dana's favourite colour.
Forgotten already what this is, strange creature...Looks like a cross between a bear and a sloth.
Eli asked me how one would kill an ostrich. Any ideas? Besides shooting, I mean. Could we be strong and quick enough to wring its neck I wonder?... Nothing like having a son that makes you ponder these sorts of things.
And can't forget the crocodiles. Nobody is sure why they rest with their mouths open like that. One theory is that the sun helps kill bacteria in their mouths and therefore promotes better oral hygiene...
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