Friday, June 19, 2009

Eli turns 4!

We invited a few of Eli's classmates and some friends to to help us celebrate Eli's 4th birthday. When everyone got to our house, we went outside and had a water fight. It was fun for Eli and his older classmate, all the other kids either cried or were not interested. See the video at the end of this post.

Below is a picture of Eli's younger classmate looking fiercely poised with his watergun. Once he got sprayed with a bigger, more powerful watergun and he got upset and made like he was leaving. This was a good language experience for me: trying to coax a toddler back with the others (his parent's had dropped him off)! I eventually called for Scott to help me with this.

Eli and his best friend Caleb are playing with some of Eli's new toys.

Caleb's mom and dad made a very tasty ICE CREAM cake for Eli's birthday (this not having an oven businesss is really working for me!). It had wine gums on the top of it, which Eli and Dana call "gummies."
Here's an aerial-ish shot of the action at the dining room table. It was a similar deal to Dana's party, fruit, cake, veggies and pizza. We tried to have a balloon stomp game outside, but it was once again, over most of the kids' heads and the oldest boy ended up stomping on all the younger kids' balloons before they even knew what was going least it was fun for him I guess.

Here's a short video of the waterfight action. Eli got a new watergun for his birthday so he was pretty into it.

Afterwards as things wound down, Eli announced to our few remaining guests, "I want you to go home now, I'm tired." Nothing like being direct, but we all (parents included) were tired and so our friends graciously took their leave. It was a fun-filled morning, but I'm glad birthdays are only once a year.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Great Wall camping

My school offered a two-day, one-night camping trip to the Great Wall and so I jumped at the chance to go. Scott stayed back to work on his two papers and enjoyed the fact that he could work uninterrupted for more than 2 hours at a time.

Here's a picture of Eli amusing himself with our camera on the bus. There were about 30 of us total, with two other kids also going. I was a little worried that Eli might play too rough with the other kids (all younger and all girls) so I asked some of the single guys to go ahead and rough-house with Eli whenever the opportunity arose.

On the first day we walked into a village that is located near the Great Wall, about a 2 hour hike through trails, and woods and corn crops. The villagers put on a show for us, with drums, singing and dancing. The boy in the fore-ground of this picture isn't shy about showing his dislike for the music!

I carried Dana is this pack while Eli walked or was carried by those blessed obliging single guys.

This was my favourite dancer, one of the few males, he was just delightful in his expressions and really enjoyed having a large audience.

Didn't get a picture of our tent this time, but pretty much exactly the same set up as last year, we camped in one of the towers. It was a gorgeous night, clear, not too hot, with a pleasant breeze and a bright almost-full moon. It was not the best sleep of my life, sleeping between Eli and Dana, but it sure was memorable!
The next day we walked the Wall itself. I again had Dana and I borrowed a pack and a mule...uh I mean, another carry Eli. So thankful for the help of everyone who went! Otherwise soloing it with both kids would have definitely been too much for me, and an experience not worth repeating!