Friday, March 5, 2010

malaysia: bees

I suppose I couldn't call myself my dad's daughter if I didn't include this post highlighting a Chinese/Malaysian-owned bee farm that was open to visitors.

Lots of colourful flowers for the bees to get to.

Here's what the area looked like. I deliberately did not take pictures of the large kitchy cartoon bee statues set up in different areas. Just ugly!

Many, many of these set up everywhere.

Dancing bees...but in the Cameron Highlands, they wouldn't have to go far to find flowers and plenty of them!

Like this bee did. I confess that I did not sample the honey there. To be honest, it looked too watery, as if it was watered-down or just processed in some way (something that goes against my Slavik sensibilities). I still have my dad's and my brother Rob's good homeade Slavik honey at home anyway, no need to sully my tastebuds with any other kind. (Yes, I am a honey snob, or as I prefer to think of myself as a honey afficionado).

Thursday, March 4, 2010

malaysia: bugs

When you have kids who are one metre or less in height, it helps you notice what is on the ground more and take the time to check things out. It also became obvious that the kids would enjoy going to see other insects so we went to this butterfly farm that included other insects, reptiles and rodents too.

I wouldn't put it past Eli if he were trying to count up the legs on this caterpillar.

Eli wanted to hold different insects. Here he is holding a large horned beetle on a stick.
He's braver than I am, that's for sure, here's what it looked like up close! I didn't get too involved in this excursion, the smell of the rodents was getting to me.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

malaysia: cooler highlands

After our time with Jill, we met up with Scott's parents for two weeks. It didn't take us long to get weary of the heat so we decided to rent a van and head up to the Cameron Highlands. It's a beautiful area famous for tea, ("self-plucking")strawberries and other agricultural products.

Here we are at a tea plantation--just a maze of tea bushes for acres and acres!

Some spots were pretty steep and we didn't want to lose the kids so Scott's dad found a good way to transport Eli.

And Dana (copying her brother) found a good seat on Scott.

While Eli stayed with Boppa and Nana, Dana, Scott and I hiked down and explored the tea plantation. We stopped for a rest and some water at this little gazebo.
Another time, Scott's parents watched the kids for a morning so Scott and I could go on a hike. It was steep but so nice to get out sans kids for some exercise and conversation.

Here I am dragging my belly up the winding trail...

We made it to this lookout tower after about 3 hours of hiking. It was much faster going down, but one had to be careful not to go too fast (i.e. fall)!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

malaysia: animals

When travelling with kids, you almost have no choice but to go to all those places you wouldn't think of going as a single, or as a couple. But we had fun at these animal parks, and admission was cheap. Through your kids you somehow, in some ways, get to be a kid again.

Finally a sign that says what they really mean!

A bird in Dana's favourite colour.

Forgotten already what this is, strange creature...Looks like a cross between a bear and a sloth.

Eli asked me how one would kill an ostrich. Any ideas? Besides shooting, I mean. Could we be strong and quick enough to wring its neck I wonder?... Nothing like having a son that makes you ponder these sorts of things.

And can't forget the crocodiles. Nobody is sure why they rest with their mouths open like that. One theory is that the sun helps kill bacteria in their mouths and therefore promotes better oral hygiene...

Monday, March 1, 2010

malaysia: langkawi with Jill

We had the chance to go to Malaysia for Chinese New Year. Scott's sister Jill met us there and we spent a wonderful week together on Langkawi Island. I was SO thankful for the extra hands and eyes she provided (w.r.t. the kids!) as well as her navigational help when Scott was driving at night on the left side of the road trying to find different places of interest. Plus, it was just plain good to see her again,catch up, and make memories.

Here we took a gondola up a high mountain so we could look out over the island. Eli does not look pleased but at least he isn't covering his face as he is prone to do when the camera is pulled out.

Another day we found out about this trail to a waterfall with a pool at the bottom of it, so we went. It was so refreshing to find a cool place to be in the middle of the day. We had to chase off a few monkeys (who are attracted to the sound and sight of plastic bags), but other than that it was very relaxing. It was also one of the few times Dana didn't announce every 5 minutes, " IT'S TOO HOT!" when we were outside.

Also nearby was a natural waterslide area where we spent another whole afternoon sliding down the slippery rocks. Actually it was Scott, Jill and Eli that did most of the sliding, Dana and I just soaked in the cool water.

It might look painful, but those rocks were slippery! Like father, like son...

Often in the afternoons, I would be tuckered out, so I would opt for a nap leaving the kid responsibilities to Jill and Scott. The kids loved storytime/bonding time with their auntie (Eli even had a sleepover with Jill one night that he still talks about). Having some indoor downtime during the heat of the day was one way to keep the kids (and their pregnant mom, for one) from getting too cranky and/or sunburned.

Our time together was over all too fast. We were able to also take in a morning at the beach, an aquarium, lots of delicious food (especially mango ices), night markets, snorkelling, games...we're looking forward to the next time!