Wow, it has been ten days since Scott left for Canada and I am really looking forward to him coming back. I want to hear all about his news, who he had a chance to talk to, how the wedding was, how his time with his family went. It will be great to see Eli reunite with his pops too. Eli likes negating everything you say these days but one thing he is not saying "NO" or "it's BAD" to is when I ask him if he misses his dad, he breaks out of his tough little boy routine and softly says "Yeah".
It's been better than I anticipated though, I was worried about how I was going to juggle the care of two kids under three on my own, but a little planning and not trying to do too much each day makes all the difference.
I didn't end up going on the school trip to "China's Hawaii" (Hainan) as it was cancelled due to lack of interest and the alternative trip was decidedly not child-friendly. However I did get a chance to play tourist in Beijing for a couple of days. The best part of that was my best friend Pam flying in and meeting her at the airport. Yep, she is visiting me right now, sleeping on the couch while I blog. I didn't realize how much I missed her until this afternoon, listening to a Sarah McLachlan CD that she bought me, sitting in the living room with Dana and Eli in my arms, and chatting with Pam just as though she lived next door and had dropped by for a visit and to borrow a cup of sugar or something. It's so easy to pick up wherever we left off.
I don't think it's a bad thing but I have somehow kept myself just busy enough to not think too long and hard about all I have left in Canada. Every once in a while it hits me right between the eyes. A wise friend has told me that it is important to give yourself the space, time and grace to mourn the life you won't live even as you celebrate the one you do. I guess I am learning how to do that.