Saturday, May 17, 2008

Dana's birthday!

Had a birthday party for Dana, which was totally fun even though she won't remember anything about it! We invited some of her friends (and I told them they were allowed to bring their parents), chatted, ate and opened some gifts. I like that her birthday coincides with Mother's Day, she's the best Mother's Day present ever!

I probably have a little bit of whatever my mom has that makes her run around like a headless chicken preparing food and ensuring guests have more food than they could possibly eat. It's not a bad thing, it just may not be apparent that I am also actually really enjoying myself at the same time. Now I understand why my mom wanted to prepare my wedding cake PLUS do all (or most) of the food preparation for my wedding gift opening! I love that mom of mine, I really hope I can be more like her when I grow up.

I prepped lots of different fresh cut-up vegetables with homeade hummus, potato leek soup for lunch, and then a banana chocolate cake in the shape of a flower for dessert.

Tasted great, couldn't for the life of me get the icing to whip up properly, but whatever...Dana sure didn't seem to mind, here she is helping herself:

Here's to many more years Dana! You've been nothing but a joy to all of us! We like the way you can not only walk now, but dance as well. It's fantastic the way you are starting to talk too.

Watch this birthday "interview" with Dana featuring her first sentence: "mommypleasepickmeup". Impressive!