Rob and Tricia and their three boys came to visit us. Here's a rare picture with all of them in it taken at the park near our house. We had great times: lots of swimming, good food I didn't have to prepare myself, big breakfasts a la Rob, walks outside, as well as plenty of chaos inside our little condo. They left this morning and the silence is eerie. Eli is going through withdrawal from his cousins, every once in a while saying their names to me. "Isaac? Jabob? Mackom?" I don't need to tell you how much I appreciated having a two hour nap this afternoon, followed by a relaxing bath.
I loved seeing my mom and Eli interact. He learned that she was his "bahbi" and also learned to say "protein" very well after my mom exclaimed that I had better feed him more protein one night at supper (all that was on his tray was rice and vegetables, horror of horrors!).