Sunday, March 23, 2008

march madness

What to write in China has become, or at least feels, pretty normal. We all have our routines and structure in our week is not only necessary, but most welcome.

Eli goes to school three times a week: Wednesdays and Fridays from 0900-1100 and on Saturdays from 1000-1045. Scott takes him faithfully, I have yet to go, but I will soon because Scott is going back to Canada in about a month for a dear friend's wedding. Here's a picture of Scott and Eli just ready to bike to school (about a 10-15 minute ride).
Some days Eli really gets into it at school, and other days he doesn't. He learned the words for drum and tambourine; shake and pat; one, two, and three; dog and cat (and more I'm sure). There is active play for him in the park that the school owns as well as the swimming pool (which is his favourite). He is like a little wild man compared to the other Chinese kids who dutifully stay close to their grandmas, holding their hands. Eli climbs to the top of the monkey bars and is noticeably more independant.
Eli is having one of his favourites: peanut butter and mantou. Put peanut butter on anything and Eli will like it.

On Wednesday nights, Scott and I have our date nights. Sometimes we just hop on a bus and ride it to the end of the line, other times we go out for coffee (green tea frappucinos actually) and chat. Sometimes we go to a friend's place and play games. Yesterday we walked along the river and read the plaques on the old Austrian consulate's buildings. I've found a really yummy treat here: it's called tang duir and it's candied hawthorn berries on a stick. It's the perfect blend of sweet and sour in a dessert. Scott thinks they are okay, but I love them. Here we are back from one of our dates. Our tang duir are covered in edible rice paper in case you are wondering what that is.

Hmmm, what else is new...oh! there is a school trip being planned in early May too. The destination is Hainan Island, which is kind of like the Hawaii of China. I'm really thinking of going even though Scott will be in Canada during that time. As I was trying to decide between staying home or going, my tutor put it well, she said, "Well, which would you rather be, sad or tired?" I'm definitely leaning toward tired. If I stay, things are more predictable and easy, but I might end up feeling sorry for myself. If I go, I know travelling with two little slugs will be tiring, but I won't be alone, there will be other students and teachers that I can call upon to hold Dana while I run after Eli (and spank him).

I thought I would include some more pictures of Dana as she is really starting to want to walk! She regularly pulls herself up into the standing position and cruises around the coffee table. She likes Eli's toys and doesn't own any dolls. Dana's appetite is increasing and broadening too. No more rice cereal, we're into congee (rice soup) with vegetables (and beans, meat and eggs, don't worry mom, she's getting enough protein). She likes bananas now too, hooray!
This is her "mom, would you please put the camera down and give me more to eat" face. Who, I ask you, could say no?