I'm trying to learn those crazy Chinese characters and my tutor highly encouraged me to do all my homework on the computer with characters instead of relying on pinyin (a Romanization of Chinese characters). So this is a short composition about sports and exercise which is mostly true (in some areas, I just wanted to use different vocabulary)...well, never let the truth get in the way of a good story right? Enjoy!
以前我平时喜欢做很多的运动。我中学的时候打排球,打篮球,滑冰,骑马,和踢足球。这些是我最喜欢的运动。现在我是妈妈,我的时间不够了, 所以我不能做很多的运动但是我还喜欢锻炼。在健身房,在家,都可以。在健身房我喜欢举重以后在跑步机上快走。我花半个小时走路。在家我跟朋友看一个DVD, 跳健身操和跳舞一起,有意思。我觉得锻炼身体帮我很多:我可以睡的比较好,学习比较好,我的态度比较好等等。。。如果我觉得我的压力很大,锻炼帮我忘了压力!
I used to do a lot of sports. In junior high, I played volleyball, basketball, skated, rode horses and played soccer. These were my favourite sports. Now I am a mom, I don't have enough time so I don't do as many sports but I still enjoy exercising. At the gym or at home, both work. At the gym I like to lift weights after a half hour of walking fast on the treadmill. At home with a friend I like to watch (and do) an exercise DVD, it's a combination of dance and aerobics and it's fun. I think exercise helps me a lot, I can sleep better, study better, my attitude is better etc...if i feel under a lot of pressure, exercise helps me forget about it!