Here are her adorable feet. Dana Olga was born on Tuesday May 15th at 0849. She weighed in at 7lbs 8oz and measured 19.5 inches. I remember telling Scott the night before: "I'm pretty sure I'm having a boy." so I was really surprised and elated to hear the words "IT'S A GIRL!" Pam and Scott were there for me and were great sources of support throughout my labour, although I did tell Scott to not tell jokes during my contractions at one point. I thank God for a short and smooth labour, I got to the hospital at 0530 and Dana arrived about 3 hours later. God is good.
Here's a picture of us on postpartum day 3. Dana has just finished feeding so is feeling pretty satisfied and chipper. Eli was having his afternoon nap and it was a peaceful and restful day to be inside as it was raining and cool outside. I had a much better night of sleep the night before, but the bags under my eyes let you know that I could of course still use more sleep. Such is the fleeting plight of a new mother! I'm trying to keep it in perspective.
My mom's here and she is being such a great help to us: cooking, baking, cleaning up a storm. Today we took Eli swimming before his bedtime and were trying to teach him to jump into the water from the edge of the pool. He still hasn't quite gotten it, I think he needs his cousins around to model it for him in order to get motivated and inspired to do it. He is taking the arrival of his sister in stride, we're really proud of him.