Thursday, January 14, 2010

Christmas Musical

Eli and Dana got to be in a Christmas Musical this year! It was put on by the local home-schooling group of which I am a new member. We get together every Friday afternoon for some outdoor play, then we come in and have a snack, and then we read a story and do some kind of related craft. Each parent takes a turn leading it and providing the snacks. Eli really enjoys it and calls it "story and craft time." Dana wishes she could go, but it's for kids ages 4+.

Eli had three roles: Moses, a tax-collector and a pig (some people think the latter two are the same thing). Dana was a cute little pig too for the manger scene (they had extra animal costumes, so Dana could take part too). At one point in one of the performances, Eli was pretending to eat voraciously out of the manger! It was pretty funny! Thankfully in that particular scene, Jesus had not been born yet.
I really wanted to post a movie but it would not download! Eli and Dana really enjoyed the songs throughout the play, especially "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" (Eli's favourite) and "The First Noel" (Dana's favourite, she sometimes calls it The Next Noel").
It's January now and they are both still asking to sing these Christmas carols at bedtime...well, why not?

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