Every week or so, Scott meets with a professor at a local university to talk philosophy. It is mutually beneficial: language practice for Scott and editing help for the professor (he wants to do some post-doctoral studies abroad). Anyways, the professor's area of expertise is Confucius and one day as I was putting Eli and Dana to bed Eli asked me for the third or fourth time where daddy was...I was getting tired of answering him and I knew that he already knew the answer so I asked him: "You tell me where daddy went, Eli." I said.
Eli thought for a moment and then said with certainty, "He went to go meet with Confucius."
A week or so later, Eli, Dana and I were playing at the park and Eli wanted me to sit next to him on the steps of the slide. "Mommy, sit down, I made room for you, " he said.
"Okay," I replied and sat down, keeping an eye on Dana and extending my hand for her to hold as she toddled up to join us.
"It's like we are on a date," Eli said. (He has by this time gotten used to Scott and I going out once a week, just the two of us).
"Yes it is Eli, kind-of...do you know what people usually do on dates?" I asked him.
Eli, without much pause said, "Talk about Confucius." Then he sprung up from his seat and catapulted himself down the slide looking about as pleased with himself as I was of him. How is it that not one, but TWO cartoon characters live with Scott and I?! God I love those kids!