Dana got a new "car bus" as we call it. It's a walker and you can't get them in Canada because they are illegal (deemed too dangerous as many houses in Canada and the US have stairs). We got one secondhand and don't worry, we are on the first floor in our building and there aren't any stairs. Dana loves it and has really mastered scooting all around our house. She loves being mobile! Eli loves to push her but he gets in trouble if he does. I let him go "park" it when she's not in it though.
Here's a picture just for fun: Eli with his crazy hair eating the peanut butter off of his bread. Dana helped him get that crazy hair, she put her rice cereal hands in his hair and started pulling. Eli is pretty good-natured about it when she does that; he says that Dana is giving him a "haircut." Needless to say, we gave him a bath after this.
Dana has started eating solids! So far she prefers only rice cereal though, she spits out any banana or sweet potato that I've offered her. Hmmm...a woman of simple tastes perhaps? Sweet potato I can understand, but I can't believe she doesn't like banana! My friends tell me not to worry and that it is just a matter of time before she eats anything and everything, so I'm just taking things a day at a time. She certainly looks healthy to me.
Eli also has embarked on something new: potty training! We've been at it for two weeks and I confess that in the middle of the first week I was very tempted to give up and just go back to diapers. Who knew that I had a definite control freak streak? (I just wanted to press a button on Eli and have him deposit a #1 or a #2 in the potty.) Who knew that I would take it personally if I missed getting Eli to the potty by mere seconds? (I felt like he was not cooperating on purpose.) It is humbling to rinse Eli's poopy pants...probably good for my character and all that. We won't give up, we are persevering and Eli is doing pretty well, all things considered. I have to readjust my attitude every now and then about it. I ask myself: "What, with my tile floors and my brown couches, is the worst thing that could happen?" We're starting to look forward to and prepare for Christmas. I'm trying to look at the bright side of being so far away from friends and family in that this Christmas will be more simple. It's business as usual here; no holidays for us. Good Christmas music is in short supply over here though. Some friends of ours got us Michael Bolton's Christmas album which we haven't listened to yet (but we will!). Thankfully, we have a new electric piano that sounds fantastic! I love the way the music fills our house when Scott plays. Another new thing? Scott's goatee! His barber told him he looked better with it, because without it he looked "too white." I didn't like it at first, but it's growing on me (ha ha).