I took this picture on Father's Day, Rob napping beside his oldest son. Rob is always on the go, doing lots of work, whether he's at work or at home. It was great to get some days with him. I liked being able to help him paint the laundry room/bathroom and chat and laugh it up some.
Dana meets her uncle Albert. I also have some great shots of Albert napping with Dana on his chest. Albert is probably the brother most likely to visit us when we go, he is no stranger to traveling and enjoys it. He also has this way of getting my dad to go places too...maybe, just maybe they will come together sometime...
Here's Isaac on the day we went to Berman Lake. Eli loved going for a canoe ride (his first). Even now, when we say grace, Eli thanks "Gigi" (Jesus) for the "red boat". I think he liked it better than his tractor ride.
Here's Jacob showing off his goggles. In the span of a couple of days, Jacob learned to ride his bike without training wheels! We won't forget words he said when we left to go back to Edmonton: "Uncle Scott, I love you."
Father's Day this year also happened to be Eli's 2nd birthday. Tricia -- who amazes me with what she is able to do on top of being a mom to 3 boys with a 4th baby on the way -- whipped up a delicious banana cake with cream cheese icing and we had a little party in the evening.
Here's Eli being coached on how to blow out the candles. He had such a good time with his cousins and can't stop talking about them. I know that even though he won't get to see them as often now, they are already great friends and will continue to be.
Auntie Tricia getting some cuddle-time in with baby Dana. Only ten or so more weeks until Tricia and Rob's 4th (and final Tricia says) baby is born. We are looking forward to finding out who he or she will be.
Then we had some time in Williams Lake. We went on a mini-hike to Scout Island and my dad showed us lots of different things that we would not have noticed otherwise. Always equipped with binoculars and a magnifying glass, my dad really enriched the experience. I like it when my dad gets in his teaching mode, he really has a knack for it. I got to go for a walk with my dad on one of his power walks. He carried a heavy pack and dumbells while I merely carried Dana. I really liked that.Auntie Tricia getting some cuddle-time in with baby Dana. Only ten or so more weeks until Tricia and Rob's 4th (and final Tricia says) baby is born. We are looking forward to finding out who he or she will be.
My mom was on Eli duty and so her pace and prefences had to match his. Eli had to go in the water and once we got him in, it was hard to coax him out. I think grandparents have more patience than parents sometimes.
And then it was time to say goodbye. I'm really not good at those. Part of me would rather just be whisked away without the chance to say goodbye. I wished we had more time to spend with Otto, but he wasn't feeling well for part of the time we were there and the kids stressed him out a bit so he needed his alone time. I also wish I had more time to talk with my mom...sigh...
We got home and are back in "get rid of everything" mode, but I still take the slugs for walks daily. Today the couches went, on Saturday the car goes, on Tuesday the piano goes...little by little we are uprooting and readying ourselves to be planted elsewhere, far away elsewhere. It's becoming more real now...